Stephan is preaching this Sunday at Coffs Harbour, and another Sunday in Casino and Stephan asked me ..."If there was anything you wanted me to say for you, please let me know " ..I answered... just that; the more time i spend in Cambodia, the more evidence I see of the destruction of the oppressive and destructive years Cambodia has been through, and the toll it has taken on these people. And how this nation really needs faithfull ''Çhristian Soldiers' to work along side the nationals that are working to build up this country to where it should, and can be.
God gave me a vision/word during one of our praise and worship times, that he was sending an army to march/work alongside, hand in hand, with the Khmer Christian army, to rebuild this nation of Cambodia. It is a privelege to be part of that.
Today is a public holiday(last Wednesday). It is the day the Khmer celebrate the end of the period of Pol Pot 's destruction and control over them. I can't remember what name they have given it, but it is a significant day in Cambodia today. Even Pastor Chenna was telling us the other evening that, under the Pol Pot regeim (speling ?), his parents were forced to marry each other or die!!. They did not love each other (probably didn't even know neach other really) and are not surprisingly, now divorced. But imagine that. Apparently there were about 500 coulpes forecbly married in about 50 minutes. Don't quote my figures, I will check them out again.
Also, we visited the trauma ward at the hospital today, on our way in to town. The building itself is filthy and delapidated. Poorly equipped, and hygiene ?? The staff do their best with what thay have.
I asked Rouen (tuk tuk driver and young worker at the Church building) if it was origionally built as a hospital, and he said yes. But it is obvious it has been through a war, the building and out houses still bare the scars. As do the older khmer people in their hearts, and on their faces.
There is a man in the Trauma Ward that was burned on his hands face and legs, in a house fire. He lost his house and some of his children. We were priveleged to deliver a bible to him and pray for him again today. He cannot read, but has accepted Jesus, and has a family member that can read to him. I will put some of this on my blogsite, but please share this testimony to anyone who will listed.
I'd better stop there as the list goes on. Please feel free to share any of this in your preaches, and at home cell. And point people to my blogspot. Your help is very much appreciated.
Really must go, love to all, Lane.
There is a man in the Trauma Ward that was burned on his hands face and legs, in a house fire. He lost his house and some of his children. We were priveleged to deliver a bible to him and pray for him again today. He cannot read, but has accepted Jesus, and has a family member that can read to him. I will put some of this on my blogsite, but please share this testimony to anyone who will listed.
I'd better stop there as the list goes on. Please feel free to share any of this in your preaches, and at home cell. And point people to my blogspot. Your help is very much appreciated.
Really must go, love to all, Lane.
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