Sunday, March 15, 2009

Where I am at.....

I am still at the SHE Rescue House and still teaching English, amongst other things. The girls have come a long way with both their English and their attitudes. It is still challenging at times, but it's a pleasure to see them develope both personally and academically.

We are looking at training them in a few other areas to get skilled for the future. Ann, Julie & I went to ICF (International Christian fellowship) Church yesterday. It is an English speaking church, mostly full of NGO workers. It was very productive, as we found some more contacts to network with for the future. We met a nice Aussie couple who gave us a lot of info, and ended up going to dinner with them. The husband is a pilot here and the wife teaches at the aviation school. They had previously come for 6 months and ended up living here, in Phnom Penh, for 11 years. Then they retired, but have been recalled to fill in for 6 months again.

Today...the House Manager, Channy is very excited. We are moving one of the families, of two sisters, that we have here in the house. They currently live on the river front, sleeping under the stars, and begging for money. This family had a two year old boy also, who was last seen when he went begging with another 6 year old boy. Neither have been seen since. There has been a police report and attempts to trace them, but nothing has turned up. It has been about 2 months now.

This is the first attempt, for SHE rescue, to try to relocate a family and improve their living arrangements, and work situation. We have found a small but adequate "home" for the remaining 4. The physical move is the first step, with a lot of support, we are hopeing the family can have a new start, and really change their circumstances. So please pray for God to have this family covered, and that He opens doors for a better future for them. Thanks.

Other than that, all is well here. I am constantly praying that God show me where He wants me and what He wants me to do specifically. I believe this time is a preparation and learning time. So I try to take one day at a time, and remain open. I miss everyone at home, but I am committed to fulfil this call right now. I have found a gym that costs $1 per hour so I can get some badly needed exercise. And I am considering getting private guitar lessons for my personal growth, and an interest. I want to be able to worship from the guitar when I return to Kampong Charm (and home). We often go to the villages for outreaches, but don't always have a guitarist.

Please also pray for finances for me. My biggest cost that is impending in the VERY near future is to extend my visa for 6 or 12 months.

Thanks for your prayers and support. I love hearing from home, so if you have any comments, or news you can email me at

Love & blessings to you. Lane.

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