Monday, April 20, 2009

My Hospital Visits..

Phnom Penh Children's Hospital:
I caught a tuk tuk in to the hospital last Friday to visit the Khmer lady from Kampong Cham, who's three year old daughter is in there with VERY VERY bad burns to both her legs. I had some money, soft toys and nappies to give her. That was an adventure in itself.......
The security guards weren't going to let me in because I am a foriegner, and that's the rules. I had been told last week that I could visit if I signed in at the front office. So I brought with me my passport for ID etc, but all attempts to do that failed. No one seemed to know where what or how to do that, but eventually, with the help of Rhit my khmer tuk tuk driver, I managed to get to talk to the head guy of the hospital. He could speak english. I had to do some fast explaining as to why I wanted to visit a Khmer patient, and why there wasn't a Khmer person to do it, and eventually he escorted me to see them, against the rules. But only for 15 minutes!...I was instructed.
When I did get to see them my heart went out to them both. The little girl was lying in exactly the same position as in the photos taken one week ago. One leg still heavily bandaged and the other is still swollen tight, with dead skin and scabs on it. She is going to have terrible scaring. The poor mum was was just sitting beside the bed, in the same spot she has been sitting for the last two weeks. She probably didn't know what to make of me at first.
I introduced myself in khmer, and then my escort and a doctor translated a short conversation for me. Well I talked, the lady didn't say very much. It was hard to ask any questions, or have a conversation with an audience. (Being the only white person in the hospital I had also attracted the attention of other patients and visitors.) I gave her the money, nappies and gifts for her daughter. I knew enough khmer to ask her if I could I pray for both her and her daughter, and she said yes. So i did, right there, with an audience, in what is probably a 95% Buddist /Hindu environment. I told her I'd be back next week, and had to leave.
My escort, the head of the hospital, told me many times that this isn't the norm and I should find someone else to do the visiting. I didn't say that I didn't exactly trust that she would get the money etc if I gave it to a third party. I kept those thought to myself. However, he is going to allow me one more visit next week, and then that's it!! I will ring his mobile on my arrival and he will escort me as before. (It's all pretty serious!!!! I don't look that dangerous do I???)
But I'm praying for God's intervention there, so that I can go weekly to visit and give her money, nappies etc. I can't leave a big supply of money with her, because it won't last for the two or so months she is going to be there. I also would like to just encourage her personally, with the love of Jesus.
Anyway, that's just how Cambodia works, which is half the challenge, and excitement of being here. Nothing is ever simple or boring, as you never know what to expect. So it keeps you on your toes, that's for sure. You only have to take a tuk tuk ride through the streets and you are constantly entertained!!! So far I am coping really well with the work and culture. I love it.
I also love hearing from home, so don't forget to write and keep me well informed. Thank you for that..! Love and Blessings, Lane.

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