Monday, June 22, 2009

Epic Arts Centre - Kampot

Two weeks ago Julie and I visited the Epic Arts Centre in Kampot. We hired pushbikes and followed a moto out to this beautiful new building that has recently been completed with donated money.

is a charity estabklished in 2001, with offices in UK and Cambodia. They run projects accross the whole arts spectrum for disabled and disadvantages people including drama, music, dance, photography, visual arts, pupetry and crafts.

They work with mainstream schools and special educational needs schools, community groups, churches and youth groups, hospitals, hospices, rehabilitation centres, orphanages, day centres and more..... To give opportunities for people to develope new skills, encourage self expression, build confidence, foster understanding and intergration between people with varying life experiences, abilities and disabilities, age and ethnics.
Here are some samples of their pupetry and crafts.

It is a spectacular new building. And on the day that we visited they were running a drama class for diasbled young Cambodians. They are often the forgotten people.

It was such a privelege to visit this centre. It was really encouraging to see such a work happening here. I hope you have enjoyed my little snipit about it.

Blessings, Lane.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lane,

    What an amazing place!. How far do you have to travel to get there?.
    It seems like a place that perhaps in the not-too-distant future, you could utilise with your 'charges'.
    Also it was really encouraging to read of the micro-industries starting up & growing.
